Ramelex Testing and Research Institute (RTRI) is a testing division, of Ramelex Private Limited-Pune (RPL), which is in business of manufacturing of various products and service provider for erection, testing and commissioning of, transmission lines & substations as well as maintenance of the same.

  • Testing of Conductors: – ACSR, AAC, AAAC, AASC, ACSS & All types of HTLS Conductor.
  • Testing of Copper Conductors.
  • Testing of G.I. Stay Wire, G.I. Plain Wire, G.S. Earth Wire.
  • Testing of Insulator fittings.
  • Testing of Suspension Clamps.
  • Testing of Conductor Accessories.
  • Testing of Accessories for Earthwire.
  • Testing of Armour rods, binding wires and tapes for conductors.
  • Testing of Aluminum & Al. Alloy rods.
  • Testing of Defense & Aerospace Industry.
  • Testing of Steel items for structural Purpose.
  • Testing of Mild steel wires for general engineering purpose.
  • Testing of Surface coating.
  • Testing of Vibration Dampers.
  • Testing of Power
Tests Products Test standards








i) Electrical resistance test





Metal fitting (conductor accessories for overhead power lines with nominal voltage greater than 1000V)

1.Bolted type clamps

2.Compression type clamps

IS 2486(Part-1), Cl No.12.1.1 (RA 2013)

IEC 61284- 1997 Cl. No. 13.4.5

Electrical power clamps & connector

1. Equipment terminal connectors such as,

a.) Palm connector

b.) T – Connector

c.) CT/PT connector. etc

2. Expansion connector,

3. Junction connector,

4. Parallel groove


IS 5561, CL. No. 11 –(RA 2007)


IEC 61284- 1997 Cl. No. 13.4.5

Conductor and Earth wire accessories for overhead line products

1. Performed Armour rod.

2. Mid span compression joints

IS 2121(Part-I), CL. No.7.5 – (RA 2002) (For Armour rod)

IS 2121(Part-II), Cl. No. 6.5

(For Mid span)

Aluminum conductors for overhead transmission purposes

1. Conductor of all type such as AAC, AAAC, ACSR, ACSS

IS 398 – Part-1(2007), Part2 (2007), Part3 (2009), Part4 (2009), Part5 (2009).
ii) Heating cycle test Metal fitting (conductor accessories for overhead power lines with nominal voltage greater than 1000V)

1.Bolted type clamps

2.Compression type clamps

IS 2486(Part-1), Cl No.12.1.1 (RA 2013)

IEC 61284- 1997 Cl. No. 13

Conductor and Earth wire accessories for overhead line

1. Mid span compression joints


IS 2121(Part-II), Cl. No. 6.6


IEC 61284- 1997 Cl. No. 13


iii) Magnetic Power loss test

Metal fitting

1.Suspension clamp


IEC 61248 – 1997, Cl. No.12

Stockbridge vibration damper for overhead power line

1. Vibration damper.

IS 9708, CL No. 7.12  (RA 2004)


IEC 61284, Cl. No. 12- 1997



iv) Temperature rise test

Electrical power   clamps & connector

1. Equipment terminal connectors such as,

a.) Palm connector

b.) T – Connector

c.) CT/PT connector. etc

2. Expansion connector

3. Junction connector

4. Parallel groove

IS 5561, CL. No. 12 – (RA 2007)
v) Ampacity test Aluminum conductors for overhead transmission purposes,

Products are AAC, AAAC, ACSR, HTLS conductors,

RTRI laboratory procedure


(IEEE 738)